Thursday, October 10, 2013

Faith and Change

      If you asked any of the people close to me, they would tell you that I am less than enthusiastic about the thought of change. Having to make new friends? I like the ones I have. Get a new job? I'm good at the one I do now. Move to a different town? I already know how to get around my own city. Change is terrifying.

      As I begin this venture into what is supposed to be the most exciting decade of my life (my twenties), I am becoming less and less afraid of change. I am learning that making new friends doesn't mean that I have to forget my old ones. Getting a new job doesn't mean I can't go visit my old one or hold on to the good memories I have made. Moving to a new town doesn't mean my old one disappears. It was always be there for me to go back to and it was always be considered home. I firmly believe that making the decision to embrace change is going to be one of the best I will make in my entire life. There are so many opportunities out their for love, wealth, and happiness out in the world that I could never have access to if I never choose to alter any aspects of my life.

      Another part of the story is that I am very eerie about the idea of making a huge mistake with my life if I change anything. What if I don't make it a new town? What if I can't get a job that I love? What if I am never truly happy with my decisions that I make? Every choice we make daily can affect our lives as much as we want them to.

      Idealizing what could come to be in these next 10 years is going to eat me alive. Who is to tell what my life will be like when I am done with this decade? Certainly not me. The problem isn't be afraid of change. The problem is planning out your life to the smallest detail that it scares you to not step out of line that would make this ideal life not come true. No one can plan out their lives. No one knows what is going to happen later today, tomorrow, next week, next month, or even in 10 years. The thought of not knowing, or not being able to even imagine what the future could hold is something that would stop even the wisest man in his steps.

      Faith is knowing that not knowing is not the worst thing in the world. Faith is having the idea that everything will truly work out the way it is destined to be. As cliche as that is, we must let life take us on it's journey and do our best to enjoy the ride and soak up every opportunity thrown at us.

     Have faith in ourselves to mess up. Have faith in ourselves to make the wrong decisions. Have faith in ourselves to know that if we aren't happy, we aren't done with our lives yet. Have faith to know that it does getting better. Have faith to know the only thing holding us back is ourselves.

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